Artwork ideas
Children of all ages enjoy participating in the art projects that may be themed around the national curriculum, seasonal times of the year such as Christmas, Mothers Day, Easter, or topics of the child’s choice.
Materials that work well:
Crayons, felt tips, pastels, poster paints, acrylics, wax crayons or watercolours as well as collages with coloured paper/tissue paper/felt, or hand/foot prints, sponge/potatoe prints and rubber stamps. Please do not use glitter.
You can download a number of templates to assist you with your projects.
Download Blank template
A blank template suitable for children that willl be producing their own artwork. This includes provision for Child’s name, Code and Artwork Title.
To download any template:
PC – Right-Click on the image and select “Save Target As… ” then choose a suitable folder on your hard drive to save the file.
MAC: Ctrl-Click on the image and select “Download Linked File As…” then choose a suitable folder on your hard drive to save the file.Blank Template
Pre-drawn templates
Suitable for children that may be a little less confident in producing their own artwork. Choose from a number of options below. We will be posting more as they become available, so keep coming back for more!